May’s presentation is on regulatory compliance.
Click on the arrows below the image to page through the presentation.
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The button on the far right of the presentation box will enlarge the presentation to take up the full viewing screen on your computer’s monitor. The button just to the left of that one will allow you to download the presentation and save it (as either a PowerPoint file or a PDF file) to your hard drive.
A copy of this presentation will also be in the Downloads on the Staff Education page in both PowerPoint format and PDF, for your convenience.
If you have any questions regarding this, please call the home office.
It is expected that you will spend an hour reading and studying this material then taking the quiz by clicking on the button below.
This education was developed by Jaime Chafin, MS, RN, Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Director for A&L Home Care & Training Center for May 2018.
This presentation can also be downloaded from our Downloads page (link also located at the top of the Staff Education page).